Master Stair Stringers With the Peddi XDM-630
In a world where success is often measured by bottom lines and profit margins, SteelPro stands as a beacon of inspiration - a reminder that with dedication, ingenuity and a relentless pursuit of excellence, anything is possible.
Before implementing the Peddi XDM-630, SteelPro faced numerous hurdles in fabricating stair stringers. Among these challenges were the inaccuracies associated with manual measurement techniques. SteelPro grappled with inconsistencies in component dimensions, leading to fit-up issues during assembly which resulted in rework.
With the Peddi XDM-630's automated layout functionality, SteelPro optimized the fabrication of stair stringers with precision and accuracy. The machine's scribing feature automatically positions and marks the components to be welded according to the required dimensions and angles. This automation ensures consistency across all stair stringers, regardless of their design complexity.
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